Naše vynálezy

V pátek 12.4. a v pondělí 15.4.2019 jsme si v hodinách angličtiny s třídou 2.B vyzkoušeli, jaké to je odprezentovat své nápady a zaujmout posluchače natolik, aby se pro naši myšlenku nadchli! Ve skupinkách po 4 – 5 studentech jsme si v angličtině připravili projekt a prezentaci vynálezu a našim úkolem bylo získat pro tento nápad co nejvíce zájemců z řad spolužáků. A že to naše snažení mělo úspěch se lze dočíst z následujících příspěvků studentů:

„I think it was fun to see my mates doing presentation!“

„It was good experience and fun but it would be better to have more time for it.“

„I also liked my mates‘ acting.“

„Their performance was so convincing!“

„I appreciate the effort of the teams.“

„All presentations were excellent. However, I think our presentation was the best!“

„The ideas were really interesting and impressive.“

„My friend spoke fluently and it was exciting!“

„Thanks for new good ideas!“

„I appreciate that each group did everything for it.“

„We did something different and we tried a presentation in English.“

„Very futuristic ideas!“

„We have heard many great things about perfect gadgets which will help people in future.“

„I was really pleased by those presentations. I could see they were made with effort and presented to us in a professional way.“

„Everyone was just excellent!“

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Obrázek: aktuality/galerie/1555489961_img-20190412-081501.jpg

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